Why Environment Control?

Consider these seven reasons Environment Control can be trusted to keep your hands clean from facility maintenance.
Six decades of passionate focus in the commercial cleaning industry have given us time to refine our systems and offer exceptional customer service.
Our People
Dependable, properly trained people give us the advantage and confidence to deliver the commercial cleaning we promise.
Careful selection and on-going training keep our employees current and aware of your specific needs.
Rapid Response & Thorough Resolution
Our documentation and easy communication systems bring awareness to specific areas of concern and ensure commercial cleaning satisfaction.
Proactive Quality Assurance
Our quality assurance technology provides transparency for you to see how we meet your commercial cleaning needs each day. Resolution time is tracked for every request, inspection ratings are tallied on each part of your facility, and overall customer satisfaction is measured.
Customer Portal
Our personalized customer portal provides the fastest, most reliable system to understand your urgent needs and document our responses.
Our insurance policies exceed industry standards, and only our carefully screened W2 employees have keys to your account(s).
It’s not just about what you spend, it's about what you receive in return. We bring efficient systems, national buying power and a history of local ownership to work for you.
It's the people who have given our business significance, and the ability to provide a superior service for six decades.