Columbus Captive held a “Virtual Board Meeting” this month and announced winners of the Risk Control Award Program. The Vice President of Risk Control sent an email recognizing EC for being among those in the top 10% of total points in the program. Points are earned through proactive risk management, attendance at risk control workshops, below industry standards in OSHA frequency and severity rates, and favorable loss ratios. Below is an excerpt from his message:
“Congratulations on your achievements and successes in safety and claims management during the past policy year. The award winners are normally recognized and presented with the certificate during the Presidents Dinner after the Board meeting, but since the meeting was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, attached is your award certificate. The actual award would be presented at the Fall Risk Control Workshop, but since that event has also been canceled, I will be sending the award and you should expect to receive it by mid September.
Your efforts in risk control have resulted in superior performance in the Columbus program, as demonstrated by effective safety programs, favorable claims experience, participation in risk control workshops and other loss prevention activities. Details of your scoring in the awards program can be found on your risk control scorecard which has been posted on the Columbus portal by member number.
You should be proud of your accomplishment and take some time to celebrate this recognition with your employees.
Again, congratulations on receiving this award, and keep up the good work.”
Steven G Daluge, MS, CSP

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